How to use demo frameworks to sell more


Author: Barry Mueller
Last updated: Published:
Demo frameworks

The point of a demo, of course, is to sell.

But, what drives those deals exactly? Well, we sat down with Chris Orlob, CEO at and ex-Gong employee, and Jamal Reimer, Founder of Mega Deal Secrets to see what they had to say about it.

For them, demos that make an impact have a reliable demo framework, compelling stories, and the right amount of prep work.

Ready to hear more? Let’s dive in!

Building a solid demo framework from stories to solutions

If you want to transform your demos from an afterthought to a GTM engine, there's a simple yet powerful framework Jamal uses to set up the audience in the right way: start with a story, then outline the strategy, delve into the tactics, and finally, present customer stories as social proof.

This framework does more than just guide the presentation; it sets the stage for a narrative that your potential buyers can see themselves in. Beginning with a story, you captivate attention and establish a connection. This isn’t just about showing features; it's about weaving a narrative that places your product as the hero in your user’s story.

The strategy segment is where you align your offering with their business goals, showing a clear path to success. When you discuss tactics, you’re delving into the “how” – how your solution can be implemented in their specific environment.

And nothing is more convincing than concluding with real customer stories. These stories serve as social proof, providing concrete examples of your product solving real-world problems. It’s about showing, not just telling, the value you bring to the table.

This is the demo framework Jamal uses to show that you understand not just what they need, but also why they need it, and how it will impact their business in a positive and measurable way.

Then, if you want to take it to the next level, if you’re talking to a senior executive, you can add a summary slide in between the story and strategy section. Here, you articulate a very concise version of your customer’s problems as well, if not better, than they can. This not only shows them you’re listening to them, but it also assures them that you can, in fact, solve the problem.

In his own words, Chris explains, “The money is only in the demo when you have teed it up with a very intimate understanding of what your customer is going through. That is not a check-the-box activity. That is a through line that you repeat through the sales cycle that continues to draw them back to the assumingly painful problem that you’re solving for them.”

Now let’s explore what good storytelling is all about.

Every success starts with a story

Jamal goes on to discuss the different kinds of stories to lay the foundation for your demo framework. “Here's what we heard from your team” can be powerful. In this story, you’re effectively echoing their own words back to them, showing you've done your homework and understand their specific challenges. This tactic builds trust right from the start, as it demonstrates you're not just there to sell but also to solve a problem.

You can share your own experiences with the problem you're solving as well, making it more relatable. In that case, you’re connecting through shared challenges. This approach brings authenticity to your presentation, transforming it from a generic pitch to a relatable story.

Jamal’s third story type is your origin story. Your origin story is a narrative about overcoming challenges and leveraging the drive to innovate. That can be deeply inspiring to a potential customer.

Chris brings up the book Expert Secrets by Russell Brunson as an example. Brunson highlights the power of storytelling in teaching, which is very relevant to demos. He explains that it’s about using stories as a vehicle for conveying value, not just facts. Through storytelling, you're not just talking at your audience; you're engaging with them, which makes your demo memorable and impactful.

Stay within the scope of your software

Whatever story you choose, it’s vital to stick within the scope of what your solution can actually solve, continues Jamal.

When you reframe the sales meeting as a strategic business discussion, your solution is “a linchpin, not the Holy Grail” Chris quips. It’s a critical piece in the puzzle, but not the only one. Your goal is to make the solution an integral part of a larger narrative encompassing the customer’s needs, the market they operate in, and their specific challenges.

That’s how you demonstrate that you’re not just another vendor. You’re a partner who’s invested in their success.

So, how do we do all of that?

Preparation makes perfect

Prep is key for a great demo.

Jamal and Chris discussed how you should scale your preparation to the size of the deal. For smaller deals, you can get away with preparing slight personal touches here and there. Larger, more qualified deals naturally demand more attention and detail. For these enterprise sales, the quality of your insights and the precision of your solution’s alignment with their goals are crucial.

Treat your accounts like an investment portfolio. Each account, like an asset, requires a different strategy and level of involvement. If there's not enough background knowledge on customer pain points, don’t hesitate to reschedule or augment the discovery process. For significant deals, investing in preparation can make the difference between winning or losing a contract.

Create compelling, value-driven conversations with demo frameworks

Remember, great demos are more than presentations. They’re the heart of your go-to-market strategy. That’s why you need a solid demo framework to help you not only highlight the features of your product but also to showcase its role in driving success.

The art of the demo lies in the ability to resonate, connect, and convince. It's where your understanding of the customer's needs, your product's capabilities, and your storytelling skills come together to create a moment of clarity and conviction.

Done right, a well-crafted demo isn't just a part of the sales process; it becomes a critical, defining factor in driving more sales.

Tell us about yourself

Tell us about yourself so we can show you a demo on the first call

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